Thursday 12 March 2009

OH my gosh I can't believe I've missed 2 days. I've been soooooo busy. I had Jake on Tuesday and come to think of it I'm sure I blogged that day!!! I think the puter was rebelling and it didnt save. In the evening we had a County team meeting which, of course, was thrilling...............not!!!My PAD was a photo of Jake for Tuesday.

Yesterday was the day we went to the House of Commons. We had a fantastic time and were treated royally by Joan Ryan and Andy Love and the guest speaker Hazel Blears. We were given a good tour of the Houses of Parliament, there were so many of us we had to be divided into small groups. My PAD is a photo from the evening.

Today was a usual day at work. Tonight is our district Cub leaders meeting and I'm sure we'll go to the pub always.

Monday 9 March 2009

Took my car to have her windscreen replaced today. It had a foot long crack in it! All nice and new now. I spent the afternoon typing and printing out Cub stuff and bringing the records up to date for 23rd Enfield..........................I think we're winning!!! Spent the evening at Cubs bringing their badges up to date so giving me more work to do!!!!

Sunday 8 March 2009

Oh Darn...............missed yesterday! Such a busy day. Straight from work to Scrapmates crop, then straight off to babysit Jake while Steve and Den went out on the town with their friend James for his birthday. Jake was full of beans and ratty all at the same time so getting him ready and to bed was hard work. Then...................I fell asleep!!!

My PAD (for yesterday) is, of course, Jake.

Today started bright and sunny. I considered going for a walk but decided I needed some retail therapy even more so we went to the Galleria, which was just as well because the heavy showers and blustery winds forecast came true with hailstones to boot!!! I got a gorgeous touch feely cream fleece plus an olive hoody and tee shirt from regatta and a pair of my fave jeans in the M&S outlet and, of course, a visit to the paper Mill was productive!!!

Friday 6 March 2009

Got out of work at a decent time this afteroon and met Denise at Matalan. She needed some trousers to wear to go back to work next week. I bought some pyjamas for myself.

Girls night out tonight.

Thursday 5 March 2009

Jake came to visit me at work today as Denise had an hygienist appointment. No- one could believe how big he was! We went to Da Lillo for lunch and they were all over him. Christian was there which was great as he doesn't often do lunchtimes. I must get Jake a set of Duplo as he loved the set at work.

Met Andy, Chloe and Cara in the pub to organise a bit more for district camp and, of course, a lot of chat.

I was drawn into Tim Holtz' blog earlier and had to revisit his 12 tags of Christmas so, as I completel forgot to take a photo of Jake at the dentist, my PAD is a shot of T H's blog and some of the tags.

Wednesday 4 March 2009

So tired. Have been sending out emails to confirm coach for House of commons, am ready for bed now. Need to do PAD.........................yet another shoe!

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Oh what a day!!! I was meeting Robs friend Diane for lunch in Victoria so drove up to Oakwood, parked quite a walk from the station. Got to Oakwood, bought ticket and got on train which was waiting..................and waiting........................and waiting.....................and then we were told to get off the train as there was a signal failure!!! So I ran over the road and got a bus back to Enfield and caught the next train, I only ended up being half an hour late which was pretty good going!

Had lunch in Pizza Express and went to Oxford Street to do a bit of shopping then back home as I was meeting Chrisse for a Thai meal. I now feel soooooooo stuffed.

My PAD would have been a photo of the Thai restaurant.....................if my batteries hadn't run out!!! As it is it's another of my "Just the Right Shoe" collection

Monday 2 March 2009

Well yesterday was the first day i've missed blogging completely and missed my PAD also.

It was a busy day yesterday. The Big Splash (aka the Scout swimming gala) was held in the afternoon and I was one of the judges. It lasted for 3 hours!!! There were only 6 events but 3 heats in each event and as they are all novelty races they take a while to set up. We were all dead tired at the end of this so we went for a meal at Wetherspoons. I could have taken any number of photos of this event but couldn't publish any on here.

This morning we went for a lovely walk in Trent Park. It was a beautiful morning, bright and sunny. The sunken garden hasn't got any colour yet but there are buds and shoots everywhere so over the next few weeks I'll post pics on here, it's a pretty spot.

District Cub chess competition this evening which I run. not sure how well this is going to go so will report back later.
Here are 3 of the shots I took on our walk make up for no PAD yesterday!!! The first opening daffodils I found, catkins which always evoke thoughts of spring and the last snowdrops.