Thursday, 12 March 2009

OH my gosh I can't believe I've missed 2 days. I've been soooooo busy. I had Jake on Tuesday and come to think of it I'm sure I blogged that day!!! I think the puter was rebelling and it didnt save. In the evening we had a County team meeting which, of course, was thrilling...............not!!!My PAD was a photo of Jake for Tuesday.

Yesterday was the day we went to the House of Commons. We had a fantastic time and were treated royally by Joan Ryan and Andy Love and the guest speaker Hazel Blears. We were given a good tour of the Houses of Parliament, there were so many of us we had to be divided into small groups. My PAD is a photo from the evening.

Today was a usual day at work. Tonight is our district Cub leaders meeting and I'm sure we'll go to the pub always.

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