Monday, 2 March 2009

Well yesterday was the first day i've missed blogging completely and missed my PAD also.

It was a busy day yesterday. The Big Splash (aka the Scout swimming gala) was held in the afternoon and I was one of the judges. It lasted for 3 hours!!! There were only 6 events but 3 heats in each event and as they are all novelty races they take a while to set up. We were all dead tired at the end of this so we went for a meal at Wetherspoons. I could have taken any number of photos of this event but couldn't publish any on here.

This morning we went for a lovely walk in Trent Park. It was a beautiful morning, bright and sunny. The sunken garden hasn't got any colour yet but there are buds and shoots everywhere so over the next few weeks I'll post pics on here, it's a pretty spot.

District Cub chess competition this evening which I run. not sure how well this is going to go so will report back later.
Here are 3 of the shots I took on our walk make up for no PAD yesterday!!! The first opening daffodils I found, catkins which always evoke thoughts of spring and the last snowdrops.

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